Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Managing People and Organization for Strategic -

Question: Discuss about theManaging People and Organizationfor Strategic Direction. Answer: Selected Incident I vividly remember when the manager of my own enterprise that was dealing with packing and transportation of goods, I used to manage my employees in different ways depending on the circumstances at hand. There was one incident in my venture where there were great differences that was clearly evident between the managerial team and the subordinate staff which culminated to poor working relation among the said group. I was much aware of the situation and how it negatively impacted to the firm, however I only imposed stringent measures on the subordinate staff rather than hearing their pressing needs so as to come up with an effective solution regarding the matter (Day, 2014). Moreover, I was not in a position to call for an impromptu meeting to iron out the challenges among the staff but rather I issued a directive for all the employee to work for the common goal of the firm and failure to do so would result to punitive measures such as terminating ones service. Analysis Basing my understanding on Blakes managerial Grid which does enumerates the type of leadership style instead in the organization, I can clearly state that I was a no non sense kind of leader would not tolerate any non-issues in my organization (Sinha and Sinha, 2016). I religiously applied the perform or perish type of management in my enterprise and this was my greatest shortcomings in my administration since I less inspired my staff and most importantly I also cared less on their welfare. It came to my attention that most of the employees anticipated to leave for greener pastures considering the fact that I did not give them time or rather chance to air out the issues that do challenge them at work place and those from home which are of primary value to them. Moreover, I did not fully employ the use of effective communication so as to able to get the challenges that the staff are undergoing in the bid of providing solution for them for efficacy of the operations in the organization (Martin and Siebert, 2016). I really overlooked other issues as team relation which is very crucial for the success of the venture as I dwelt much in the production at the expense of the employees. Improvement Planning Having understood my shortcomings in the managerial issues I would prefer to come up with good modus operandi which would aid me in dispensing my services diligently and at the same time putting in consideration the welfare of the employees who are very instrumental for the success of the business (Farooqui, 2015). On the same breath, I would improve on efficacy of communication to measure any pertinent issue is handled in a more professional manner and also disseminating the information clearly to the staff and at the same time expecting feedback from them. Reference List Day, R.D., 2014.Leading and managing people in the dynamic organization. Psychology Press. Farooqui, S., 2015. Innovative People Management Strategies: Managing People During Merger and Acquisitions.SAMVAD,8. Martin, G. and Siebert, S., 2016.Managing people and organizations in changing contexts. Routledge. Sinha, S. and Sinha, S., 2016. Managing an ambidextrous organization: balancing innovation and efficiency.Strategic Direction,32(10), pp.35-37.

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